After cancelling three airline tickets to S. Sudan in two years due to Covid restrictions, we’re hoping to fly there June 2-14, 2022. The nation remains fragile. For a brief time the forces of the President and those of the VP fought in March—a huge setback. However, the three main nations sponsoring the transition to viable nationhood—the USA, the UK and Norway, quickly spoke out, and the President and VP delivered integrated leadership of the army and police forces—definite progress.
Revenge-cycle inter-tribal cattle raiding and killing continues, usually in the north. At the bottom of the photo at right are cattle kept on the side of a mountain for security. My wife and I are listening to JM Roberts’ A History of the World, Rev. ed. The creation of nations out of dynasties of various kinds, or from warring strong men, often took many decades, if it has happened at all. Nation-states in Africa were almost always created by colonial administrations. Sudan was created by the United Kingdom. S. Sudan, containing well over 50 tribes, was created out of Sudan in 2011. By historical standards, S. Sudanese nationhood is progressing faster than might be expected.
Economically, the UN reported in April that over two-thirds of the population (7.7 million) needs “humanitarian assistance.” We wait to see what effect the war in Ukraine will have upon the supply and cost of grain in East Africa, and particularly in S. Sudan. Whether due to God’s mercy, lack of testing, or lack of reporting, S. Sudan seems to have been spared ravages of Covid-19+. However, evidence of the basic immunizations is required by S. Sudan, which has precluded several, who decline to be immunized, from joining our team.
Arnold Polk, of Polk Building Ministries, returns with me, after a 2013 trip together. He invented an interlocking block machine. He hopes to reactivate the very machine pictured, which was purchased by Lookout Mtn. Presbyterian Ch. and shipped to S. Sudan in 2012 (see
A missionary couple from OC International, Tim and Annette Gulick, has tickets and plans to collaborate with a Kenyan colleague and the leadership of Grace Theological College (GTC) to develop a course on training youth leaders. Tim and Annette have helped five other Bible colleges develop this course.
We plan to host Ellen Fox (pictured), who has continued to teach children and women since 2010 in a remote village southeast of Juba. She hasn’t returned once to the US during this time, and is esteemed by fellow missionaries. She took 3 short-term trips with RMNI, and got a one-way ticket in 2010. Your gifts provide a rest—a room and meals for her at our hotel.
RMNI is a catalyst and donor, in partnership with ITEC-USA, to continue the training of four S. Sudanese to perform tooth extractions. They will be taught by two Christian dentists affiliated with, from Uganda and Burundi. One—Dr. Edith—instructed a trainee (pictured in black), in 2 019 at Juba.
I plan to teach a seminar on the need for, and status of, global Christian mission. On the agenda is checking with chaplains supported by Lookout Mtn. Presbyterian Church (LMPC) at the UN refugee camp at Juba. The office of one of them burned down. The UN replaced the structure, and RMNI replaced the furniture, hymn books, Bibles and office furniture that were lost. We look forward to visiting Hope Secondary School that LMPC sponsors. They have enabled about 1,000 students to pass national exams, to be able to pursue college or university. Students sit on bamboo poles, and copy everything from the blackboard. I plan to consult with the leaders of Equatoria Presbytery, Grace Theological College and Agape Mission regarding their recent work, plans for the next year, and how RMNI might assist. (FCBH) provides audio Bibles preloaded onto rugged units powered by solar or a crank. Up to 300 people can listen at once. RMNI purchased eight of these “Proclaimers,” and FCBH generously donated another five (@$65, see They will each be loaded with four different languages, according to tribes represented, and be entrusted to church leaders at Yida, Magwi County, and Juba.
RMNI just purchased 1,000 pair of assorted-strength reading glasses from These follow 2,000 pairs distributed at the Malakal and Juba refugee camps in 2018, and 1,200 pair of sunglasses provided in 2018. We’ve been stopped on the street by people wanting a pair. A lady receives a pair at right.
The Hugh and Charlotte Maclellan Charitable Trust provided $6,000 for Bibles for Yida, near the border with Sudan. We’re partnering with Lifeway Ministries International ( and their network of church leaders in Yida, to distribute these print Bibles. Yida is home to some who fled Nuba-Mountain violence.
At left are two men who live at the UN refugee camp in Juba, who RMNI has sponsored for a semester at Grace Theological College.