Dr. Peter Lindquist is an ophthalmologist, cornea specialist, and elder at Lookout Mtn. Presbyterian Church. He recently began a 3-year term as chairman of LMPC’s World Missions Committee, so we arranged for him to evaluate the impact of LMPC’s investments in Juba, and to use his skills to give sight. We couldn’t put calendars together until this trip. Dr. Jim Guzek, who led a remarkable eye camp to the Malakal UN camp in 2018 (https://www.rmni.org/report/89/ ) was visiting Juba, and beyond, so we coordinated dates. Jim assists Buluk Eye Center financially (as does RMNI to a lesser degree), and could introduce Peter to Buluk staff and mentor him in techniques needed there. Peter has five children, and several friends urged him not to go, but God gave him and his wife faith.
We knew God was with us, when I took 40 lithium-battery audio Bibles, a suspicious looking radio line filter, 2 laptops and a video projector through several baggage scans and 1,000 pair of reading glasses through customs, without issue.
LMPC has supported Hope (Emergency) Secondary School since 2014, when it was the only secondary school in the camp of over 100,000 refugees, then run by the UN. Since then 787 Hope students passed the national high school exam, giving the opportunity to go on to higher education. One year they had to ride in an armored personnel carrier to the exam site, which unfortunately scared off several students. One graduate has become a doctor, another a biology teacher at the school, others have gone to university. Walls are bamboo, seats are planks and the textbook--large unclear blackboards. LMPC concluded financial support last June, as there are now other secondary schools available, and parents are contributing more for teacher support. RMNI provided a financial gift to the staff and we met together for closure and mutual appreciation. We also visited 11 chaplains supported for a similar period of time, who also received gifts, and later, Galcom “Compass” solar-powered Nuer/English complete audio Bibles, provided by Teaching Missions International’s director, Chuck Lokey.

As support concluded for refugee support, income to Agape Mission for administering that support also ended. Profits from 4 motorized rickshaws has been less than expected. On Nov. 1, the day of departure, I was asked by a trust fund to submit a grant proposal for $6,000. While in Juba, Agape’s Director, Michael Ojok, and I developed a proposal for a Christian primary school, submitted on Nov. 13th. This would provide a better income stream for Agape’s mercy ministries, and a base to start a church in a community of 200,000, with many Sudanese refugees.
Redeemer Radio station in Juba has an attractive, soundproofed studio and office, and radio equipment, but came to a standstill when the National Communication Authority (NCA) liaison required a studio transmission link (STL), due to proximity to the airport. We tried but could not establish a site for remote transmission. However, I met the NCA engineer, who ironically designated me the “technical” guy on our side of the project. Now we have direct communication with him. A Voice of America engineer also materialized, who can advise, and who knows the NCA liaison. Might we be able to avoid the STL? The line filter was approved.
LMPC provided a plot of land for Grace Theological College (GTC) and theological training at African Reformed Theological Seminary (https://arts.ac.ug/ ) for several of its leaders. She also gave a foundational gift of $3,000 for top-rated Bible commentary and reference books. Several years again LMPC provided funds to renovate a motel owned by Equatoria Presbytery, the supervising body, rental income from which enables GTC to operate independently. By early 2024 GTC intends to become the only theological college in S. Sudan with online courses. They recently graduated 25 students and need larger classrooms for their Saturday school that goes from 9 to 4 pm, covering 4-5 courses, for those not able to attend during the week. Principal David Acellam is well along in his PhD program at the University of Pretoria, S. Africa. Construction began on the donated land, which awaits approximately $108,000 to complete the school’s first story. It will take another $33,000 to officially register GTC with the government, so that it can begin offering bachelor and hopefully masters-level courses.

Many meetings with ministry leaders later, Peter headed to Buluk Eye Center, where Drs. Monday and Malish warmly greeted him and Dr. Guzek. Tough cases, including glaucoma, awaited Jim. Peter began learning procedures that in his sub-specialty he either did not encounter, or for which his usual technology wasn’t available. Eager medical students hovered as they did about 100 surgeries over 2-3 days.

Meanwhile, I taught on Solomon’s Guidance for Success and an overview of biblical personal finances to 60 church leaders. This took from 9 am to 4:30 pm the day before departure, as I fought a fresh case of flu. I left two presentations--one on how to support pastors in Africa, and the other on why African is so economically behind other continents.
Those reading past Reports will recognize Ellen Fox’s name, who has worked for 14 years without a furlough or even a quick trip back to the USA. She’s on sabbatical in Uganda, recuperating from village diet and life. We hosted her at our hotel for 6 nights. If you’d like her to visit your church when she returns to the USA in 2024, please let me know.
The potential of Grace Theological College, Redeemer Radio, and partnership with Buluk Eye Center is enormous. Visiting professors and teachers of 1-week intensive courses at GTC, visiting eye professionals at Buluk and those with radio expertise are particularly welcome. Agape Mission provides expert logistical support for a visit. We’ve had no security problems in 16 trips to S. Sudan. Please let me know of your interest. While this report focused upon a review of the substantial investments of LMPC, these trips and many other ministries in S. Sudan could not have been funded without support from all of our donors! To date $578,137 has been invested in Sudan/South Sudan directly through RMNI., and at least $225,000 indirectly. We are grateful!
Jim S.
