Partnership Principles Part 1

Go to the greatest Need
Currently an estimated 28.2% of the global population (2.2 billion people) is still unevangelized. This despite communication technologies, global travel and about 430,000 global foreign missionaries from many nations (World Christian Database, 2021). We may support missionaries, mission agencies (local or abroad), nationals, projects, and kinds of ministry. God may lay a need on your heart (Neh. 2:12; 7:5). In 2009, on our eighth trip to Uganda, atop isolated Mt. Elgon, we discovered a large team of African Americans. Tim Schoap, a wiser co-leader, asked Why do we go to a country with so many teams? Thereafter RMNI teams went to Sudan, Mongolia, Indonesia and India.
I want to reach unreached Muslim people groups, particularly in Africa. RMNI is in S. Sudan (a largely Christian and animist country) because it was part of Muslim-majority Sudan when we first went in 2006, until independence in 2013. Only three African nations have a lower Human Development Index as of 2019. A spiritual war for human destiny between Christianity and Islam is the reality in Africa, particularly across northern Africa, as the map above indicates. As of 2020 there were 562 million Muslims (42% of the population) and 667 million Christians (49% of the population) in Africa. However in northern Africa, Muslims are 94% in 2020. These are among the 23% still unevangelized in Africa (World Christian Database, 2020-21).
Work where partnerships work
I suggest working directly with nationals if neutral references, such as a missionary or compatriots who have experience with them, can be located. I spent too much time and money working with national partners without apparent results. We met dedicated partners in Juba who pursued national, cross-cultural ministry, then began to see enduring fruit. We now i ntroduce them to others.
Invest in faithful, able leaders
We look for faithful and able leaders (2 Tim. 2:2). We provided Bible college pastoral training to four S. Sudanese subsistence farmers, who haven’t seemed to use it. Working with two other ministries, Master of Divinity programs were funded for 3 men and BA training for another brother from Juba, all of whom use it. While in Mongolia, after only three weeks, an excellent ministry co-worker emerged in a sensitive, accomplished lady with administrative, teaching and evangelistic gifts. Character, accomplishments and accountability are more important than spurts of hard work, “spirituality,” gifting or personality by themselves.
Here are some results due to great partners in the US and S. Sudan. Agape Mission, part of the Presbyterian Ch. of S. Sudan, Juba Parish, has been essential in overseeing “helps” ministry in S. Sudan. In 2015 we began work at UN refugee camp at Juba, resident to 100,000 people at that time. Lookout Mtn. Pres. Ch.’s (LMPC) funded Hope Emergency Secondary School--the only high school in the camp at that time. Hope’s dedicated staff has graduated 952 students into college or university in 6 years, despite an extended firefight at its location, bamboo poles for students to sit on, and no text books! LMPC also began providing small monthly stipends to 14 resident chaplains who have assisted with seminars, distribution of hundreds of Bibles, and distribution and fitting of reading glasses. Agape also oversaw difficult logistics for a 5-member eye surgery team at the UN camp at Malakal in 2018, and a 15-member dental team at the Juba camp in 2019.
A caution
Some denominations and mission agencies have abandoned sending any Americans—sending only money. Missionaries may be too hard to find, fund and support. They cite cultural and language advantages of nationals. But, as an African American mission mobilizer put it, God doesn’t give us the option of doing mission by proxy. There are no exemptions for a people group from going globally for Christ.
Focus on field-weighted priorities
Projects should be selected from priorities of nationals that are shared by donors. We asked ministry partners in Juba for a three-year ministry plan as a project menu. We might ask field leaders how a grant of so many thousands of dollars might be used, then negotiate. A proposal may not be well conceived or feasible either on the donor or national side. Since donors have outsized influence, we shouldn’t push partners to go too far beyond their current capacity, or to agree with priorities that aren’t mutual. I had a priority of church planting, but experience revealed that the partner, although willing, didn’t have the capacity to select, train, or support church planters. As far as I know, only one of the four villages targeted has a viable church, due to recent efforts by a missionary.
T o be clear, any advances are due to God’s grace and power. The next Report will discuss RMNI project priorities, how to foster sustainability in partners, and moving outward from viability toward the unreached.
College Hill Courts--each week up to 12 workers came to evangelize and disciple, except for Christmas break, and despite Covid. Hundreds of NTs and Daily Bread booklets were distributed, as well as furniture and clothing. Twenty-five turkeys were distributed at Thanksgiving and at Christmas. $2,625 was spent on food, rent and utility assistance.
- Mission mobilization-- Jim worked with two Black mission mobilizing teams--Assemblies of God and One Commission Foundation. He completed contacting over 750 US mission organizations and conferred with 6 mission executives, researchers or AFAM missions mobilizers regarding AFAM missionaries. He taught a Zoom workshop comparing 4 major world religions for the National African American Missions Council. (see at —> Teaching Resources)
S. Sudan--Our team of 8 tried in April and October to go to S. Sudan, but Covid prevented. Grace Theological College (GTC) expanded its outreach through a Mobile Pastor Training Course at Maridi at which 33 pastors were trained in the first 2 weeks, and 19 in the third week ($6,390). Covid relief included a grant through the Maclellan Foundation (MFI) to provide liquid soap and buckets with spigots for disease prevention ($5,400).
- Another Maclellan grant of $5000 provided one motorized rickshaw and two cargo bikes for income generation for Agape Mission’s diaconal ministry. An additional $11,000 for income-generation through two rickshaws and two cargo bikes was given directly by Lookout Pres. Ch. (LMPC) to Grace College. LMPC will directly support Hope Secondary School for a sixth year, and 13 chaplains within the UN Juba Camp. $36,524 was sent by RMNI for ministry to S. Sudan.
Our webmaster, Walt Robertson graciously updated and improved . 35,666 unique visitors, 79,254 visits.
- Mark Newton, our former director, moved on to be a chaplain among Latino factory workers. We wish him well!
- We plan to continue working at College Hill Courts on a weekly basis.
- A team of 8, to date, plans to travel to S. Sudan Oct. 15-29, 2021. We plan to train trauma counselors, youth ministry leaders and evangelism leaders, and to bring theological books. Dr. Guzek is planning s a second cataract eye camp outreach. We will continue to support GTC and Agape Mission capacity building and outreach plans, while monitoring grants given.
- Jim plans to complete the missionary census research, write a summary research article, and continue to work with AFAM missions mobilizers. Some key research stats are used by Black mission mobilizers.
Prayer Power
- Ministry partners have provided a total of 7 new motorized rickshaws or cargo bikes to Grace Theological College (4) and Agape Mission (3), in Juba, S. Sudan, to help sustain their ministries. Please pray for the best drivers, excellent business practices (including upkeep), protection in operation and storage, and a good profit.
- To date, 8 of us plan to go to S. Sudan Oct. 2021, including an ophthalmologist. Currently there is a 14-day mandatory quarantine, which isn’t feasible. Please pray that we won’t have more than a 3-day quarantine, if necessary, for the ability to serve well, and for all the Lord wants to be on this trip.
- Please pray for sufficient wisdom for the 8-member RMNI Board as we plan for the future.
- Wisdom is needed to invest funds most wisely in S. Sudan, in urban ministry, and elsewhere.
- Ellen Fox is headmistress of the preschool at Lohutok, S. Sudan, closed at present due to Covid. She leads 2 Bible studies and serves children, the elderly, and sick and visits S. Sudanese refugees in Uganda. Please pray for her ministry, wellbeing, and enduring fruit.
- Please pray for three men, and friends, at the Westside who I’ve long known, but who resist Christ. B is Muslim, A and M are deep into their lostness. (BAM)
- Grace Theol. College in Juba has conducted a successful 3-week Mobile Pastor’s Training Course in SW S. Sudan. Please pray for wisdom going forward, and for many new students (they have 30-40). Please pray for William and his school staff and faculty.
- Agape Mission’s mercy ministry includes oversight of UN camp ministry—of 13 chaplains, and Hope Secondary School. They arrange medical camps, Covid preventions, and food relief. Please pray for Michael and his staff.
- These times put great strain on Black/White relations. Great discernment is needed to honestly face injustice, while maintaining unity in Christ among Christians. Christ is the best force and power for unity.
- Please pray for best use of all resources—thanks!
We are grateful for your financial support! No debt was incurred. 97% of payroll went to our former director. |