Jim Sutherland has taught Personal Financial Management at Cedine Bible Institute, Covenant College, Teen Challenge of Chattanooga, Tenn., and at churches and retreats in the US and Uganda. For nine years Jim was a Seminar Field Representative for Christian Financial Concepts, Inc. (now Crown Ministries). Since 1972, he and his wife, Judi, have been missionaries among African Americans. Despite not having had a regular salary since 1977, their family of six has seen God's provision for every need, including debt-free cars, home and education.
God's great faithfulness has encouraged many toward Biblical financial stewardship. God has worked through personal counseling, small group teaching and seminar settings to give financial freedom to those willing to follow biblical financial principles. By His grace, a former counselee is now a Referral Counselor, and teaches financial workshops. Another who attended a workshop paid off over $30,000.00 in consumer debt, and also began a financial teaching ministry.
RMNi is committed to help Christians learn and follow Biblical prinicipals for financial mangement in order to help individuals and churches fund the ministry of the Gospel through Missions. The Biblical Financial Foundations seminar can be customized to local church needs. To bring this seminar to your church, please contact us for details.