How are we to reach those living in countries which restrict missionary access? One approach is business as missions (BAM), or as it has been traditionally called tentmaking. Tentmaking may often be understood to refer to the economic factor: a missionary being financially self-supporting. However, tentmaking is not about money! It is about God and finding new ways of revealing God’s glory to the ends of the earth.
Jesus says, “Come follow me and I will make you fishers of men.” (Matthew 4:19) Jesus is still seeking fishers of men; some are to leave their nets, and others are to bring their nets with them! Business as missions is a wonderful opportunity for those looking to use their skills and talents to reach the otherwise inaccessible unreached. It is using daily-life strategies to tell people about Jesus, giving the lost a good look, and often a first look, at who Jesus really is.
To find out more about or prepare to engage in business as missions see Patrick Lai’s most helpful and practical book: Tentmaking: Business as Missions